Q&A with TIC Cadet Nicholas
Cadet Nicholas Brown is currently spending his racing stable placement at Gai Waterhouse Racing where he has learned much about the behind-the-scenes action that goes on every day at the racecourse. Endeavouring to work on the betting side of the sport, he admits there is still much to explore before making that his ultimate career choice.

What is the best part of your day?
The best part of my day would be getting to swim the horses up at the pool, and just spending time with the horses in general is a privilege in itself.
What’s your biggest realisation about working with horses?
My biggest realisation is how busy and hectic racing can be, especially in the mornings with so many horses not just from our stables but also other trainers being worked!
What wakes you up in the morning?
My alarm gets me up and about 2:30am every day. It’s not easy but I’ve adjusted quite well.
What’s your least favourite job of the day?
My least favourite part of the day would be cleaning out the boxes. It’s not the most enjoyable part of the job.
What is your current ambition in the thoroughbred industry?
I still have ambitions to work in the betting side of racing, potentially as a form analyst or something along those lines, but who knows what the future holds with so many opportunities and avenues available.